Senin, April 23, 2012


Menurut sejarah Mesir, di sebut batu pelangi, karena memiliki banyak warna berasal dari kata tour dan mali, yg berarti batu warna warni.

ada yg bisa berubah warna bila terkena cahaya.

setiap batu turmalin berbeda tak ada yg sama.

Tourmalines are popular notonly in jewellery but also as therapeutic stones. Becouse of good energetic conductivity and their wealth ofminerals, they are said to have an invigorating and fortifying effect

Tourmaline juga melambangkan cinta dan persahabatan.

Jenis tourmaline menurut warnanya :
blue tourmaline, biasanya disertai 'green sting', yg benar2 biru sgt jrg alias langka.
The pure blue of the,tourmaline radiates harmony. Perhaps it is for that reason that the gemstone therapists claim that a blue tourmaline makes people both honest and tolerant.

yellow tourmaline, actually not really yellow but have brown sting.the canary-yellow beauties from Malawi have fresh melon smell, becouse of boiled with melon to remove brown spot.

Paraiba tourmaline, small, rare, and precious because of spirited turquoise to green colours are such as are not found in any other gemstone in the world.

green is regarded as the classical tourmaline colour. Chrome makes green tourmalines look like emeralds

Nature has created the rubellite in many colour nuances, so that everywoman can select the right rubellite for her type. Rubellite tourmalin yg asli tidak berubah ketika terkena sinar matahari

multicolour, bilingual, rainbow tourmalin, di cari desainer perhiasan, karena dapat menciptakan perhiasan yg unik.

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